Integrated-Circuit Surgery: getting to the heart of the problem with the smallest scalpel | John Walker
In this talk, John discussed how shields are used to prevent FIB attacks and how they can be defeated.
Read Moreby | Sep 26, 2019 | Hardware Hacking, Netherlands 2019 Talks, IC Reversing, Keynote | 0
In this talk, John discussed how shields are used to prevent FIB attacks and how they can be defeated.
Read Moreby | Jun 14, 2019 | Hardware Hacking, USA 2019 Talks, IC Reversing | 0
This talk explored correlating infrared emissions to logic functions. While traditionally prohibitively expensive, relatively low-cost techniques are presented to make this more approachable to a typical lab.
Read Moreby | Sep 14, 2018 | Hardware Hacking, 2018 Talks, IC Reversing | 0
This talk aims at demonstrating the capabilities of Reverse-Engineering based invasive attacks and its impact on various known attacks. It will show how vulnerabilities can be found in an automated way while some new techniques can be created by taking advantage of a better understanding of the IC even in a black box scenario.
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