
About the talk

This talk is about car passionate tuning their jewel over years since adoption of electronic in cars. It will present some car tuner popular tools and methodology to get more horsepower only with ECU reprogramation.

Presentation from the talk

This subject will briefly present OBD programmation hardware and software tools using standard CAN/Kline buses. The choosen car is an Honda civic from 1987, a year where OBD port was not widly used. Goal is to bring this toy, which has not OBD or programmation port, into modern world. As we want more horsepower, the car will be tuned to run E85(ethanol) which provide more higher octane rating.

The ECU used on this car is one of the first to provide electronic injection coming from honda F1 development team and still used today in cars and bikes : the PGM-FI. But in this car version, it is Read-Only and not programmable, no luck to run E85 with this guy. The solution is to Swap ECU, using a programmable version. We will present here, ECU chipping, engine mapping, and basic ethanol engine theory to wrap things together.

Gyver Ferrand

Gyver Ferrand

Gyver Ferrand – offensive security and human behavior passionate. More interested on getting skills into electronics. Petrolhead.