About the talk
The talk helps us answer key questions that anyone building hardware needs to be thinking about. How do we authenticate updates to our systems? How do we know that the code running on a system is what we expect to be there? How do we recover from the discovery that something unexpected is actually there? And how do we do it in a way that preserves the freedom for the owner of the computer to modify their systems to suit their needs?
Presentation from the talk
Trammell Hudson
Trammell Hudson is a core developer on LinuxBoot and the founder of the Heads project, a slightly more secure open-source firmware for laptops. He is known for creating Thunderstrike, the first proof-of-concept MacBook firmware rootkit, and was the original developer of the Magic Lantern project, a free firmware for Canon DSLR cameras. Trammell has presented his research at conferences like CCC, BlackHat, and DEFCON, and teaches classes on reverse engineering, embedded systems, and electronic art at the NYC Resistor hackerspace.
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